

英漢字典: go into

1. go or fit inside of;be able to be put in進入;放進

    Two men were seen going into the house after dark. 有人看見兩個男人在天黑後進入這個住宅。

    The table is too big to go into the closet. 桌子太大,放不進貯藏室。

    My foot won't go into this boot. 我的腳穿不進這長筒靴。

2. enter a state or condition of進入某種狀態或情況

    The sick man went into a coma. 病人進入昏迷狀態。

    Everyone went into raptures over her dancing and singing. 看她跳舞唱歌,大家都欣喜若狂。

    The new railway will go into service on the first of next month. 這條新鐵路將于下月一日正式通車。

    The new regulation goes into effect today. 新章程即日生效。

    The book will go into its third edition. 這本書要出第3版了。

    The old woman went into a decline and nothing the doctor could do would help. 她突然身體垮了,醫生怎麼治療也無濟于事。

3. discuss;talk about;state in detail討(談)論;詳細論述

    There's no need to go into details yet;just give me the general idea. 還沒有必要談論細節,就給我談談一般情況吧。

    The teacher went into the subject of newspapers today. 老師今天談論了報紙這個專題。

    The engineer went into a full explanation of the purpose of the machine. 工程師詳細地解釋了這台機器的用途。

4. be busy in or take part in;enter as a job or profession從事;參與;進入(某種行業)

    The Mayor went into politics as a very young man. 市長年輕時便參與了政治。

    He wants to go into law when he gets out of school. 他畢業後想當律師。

5. investigate;take up;examine 調查;著手處理;審查

    The police intend to go into the matter very carefully. 警察打算認真地調查這件事情。

    The accountant will go into these figures for you. 會計將替你審查這些數字。

    We'll go deep into the question. 我們將深入調查這個問題。

    The case has to be gone into very carefully. 這個案子須認真審查。

    The matter has been gone into very thoroughly,and we find there are no grounds for the allegations. 此事已經徹底調查,我們發現這些論斷是沒有根據的。

6. hit with force用力撞擊

    The car went into a tree and was severely damaged. 汽車撞到樹上,損壞嚴重。

7. begin to wear;put on開始穿;穿上

    She went into mourning on the death of her mother. 她為她母親帶孝。

8. divide a number exactly by two or more用2以上整數除某數

2 goes into 6,3 times,but 2 won't go into 7. 用2除6得3,但2除不盡7。

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